
An oil tanker loads gas in Assaluyeh seaport at the Persian Gulf

Iranian oil cargo seized by US begins unloading after long delay

Iran has threatened retaliation against any company unloading Iranian oil from the seized tanker.


The incredible anti-inflammatory properties of black soldier fly larvae

Promising anti-inflammatory properties of oil from the larvae of black soldier flies have implications to treat conditions like ulcerative colitis.

Will a tanker in the Gulf of Mexico spark new Iran tensions? - analysis

Iran’s IRGC has threatened to strike back against “those involved in offloading the cargo."

An Israeli military observation tower overlooks the Mediterranean Sea and part of the maritime borde

Lebanon's block 9 set for oil and gas drilling after Israel maritime deal

Lebanon hopes gas and oil discoveries will help it reverse a crippling economic crisis that has cost the local currency more than 98% of its value.


How to keep your hair healthy during the summer

Experts claim that cutting split ends is the best way to keep hair looking healthy, but when do we know it's time to cut the ends and how many times should they be cut during the year?

Oil prices to surge; US oil in high demand, as supply slowly dwindles

A quick look at the global oil market reveals supply disruptions, OPEC+ decisions, and shifting demand dynamics.

Healthy fats are real - here are the foods you will find them in

The German Nutrition Association explained that some fats, like vegetable oils, are great for heart health.

US failing to sell seized Iranian oil sitting in Gulf of Mexico - report

Iranian oil seized from a tanker in April has been sitting idle for weeks in the Gulf of Mexico.

Time for a paradigm shift: Holistic approach to oil, gas, green energy - opinion

A combination of renewables, oil and gas, nuclear energy, carbon storage, hydrogen, and other sustainable energy sources is necessary to meet the world’s energy needs.


Red Sea oil leak disaster may be averted as tanker heads to transfer oil

The Iran-Saudi deal likely paved the way for this, Iran has backed the Houthis in Yemen and they prevented access until now.

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