settlement construction

US 'deeply troubled' by Israel's decision to move forward with 5,700 West Bank settler homes

27% of the homes detailed, totaling 1,563 units, are slated for the Eli settlement, including plans to legalize three outposts as new neighborhoods.

Israel's best response to Palestinian terror is more settlements - opinion

Fight fire with fire. The terrorists want to chase Israel off this land; in response, Israel should lay stakes on more land each time they fire a shot.

Canada follows US, allies in condemning settlement legalizations

Canada's foreign minister emphasized the country's commitment to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Netanyahu: Illegal construction is not allowed - not from Palestinians or settlers

Netanyahu spoke out after the IDF's evacuation of a newly establish settler outpost, a move that was met with contention by some of the coalition.

Netanyahu must raze Khan al-Ahmar despite int'l pressure, Likud MKs say

The High Court of Justice ruled in 2018 that the structures in Khan al-Ahmar could be razed but this never ended up happening.

Israeli settlement building must continue, Edelstein tells US envoy

The Knesset's foreign affairs and defense committee chief also defended Itamar Ben-Gvir's visit to Temple Mount last week.

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