
 Israelis block a highway in central Israel, calling for the release of all Gaza hostages

Destroying Hamas or bringing hostages home - what is Israel's priority?

According to the survey, 40% of Israel's population would choose to overthrow Hamas, in contrast to 32% of Israel's population who would rather prioritize the release of hostages.

Support for female combat soldiers dependent on sector, study finds

Support for women combat soldiers is roughly the same between men and women.

Majority of Israelis prioritize hostage release over toppling Hamas - poll

Israelis who prioritize the rescue of hostages have clashed with Israelis who believe that the IDF completely removing Hamas from power should be the priority.

Israelis oppose trading all Palestinian prisoners for Gaza hostages

A stable majority of Jewish Israelis (60%) said they opposed a deal that would secure the release of the hostages held in Gaza at the price of freeing all of the Palestinian security prisoners.

Jewish Israelis believe IDF is using appropriate force in Gaza, Arab Israelis broadly do not - poll

A vast majority of Jewish Israelis believe that the IDF is using an appropriate amount or not enough force, while half of Arab Israelis say it's using too much.

'JPost' election poll: New party of IDF reservists shakes up Israeli politics

According to the poll, a reservists’ party headed by Diaspora Affairs and Combating Antisemitism Minister Amichai Chikli (Likud) would win eight seats.

Majority of Israelis feel deeper connection to Diaspora Jewry since October 7 - poll

The sense of solidarity has strengthened within the Haredi sector – 78%, the religious sector – 84%, former Soviet Union immigrants sector - 75%, and immigrants from other countries - 85%.

Israelis, US government at odds over Gaza and Lebanon, JPPI survey reveals

This survey was conducted with the participation of 700 Jewish Israeli respondents and 200 Arab Israeli respondents.

76% of Israelis support removal of UNRWA, survey shows

Key findings of the survey reveal that only 5% of Israelis believe UNRWA adequately performs its duties.

20% of American Gen-Zers share positive view of Osama Bin Laden - poll

Among the participants between the ages of 18 and 29, 31% believed that at least Osama Bin Laden's views were good, while 8% said that his actions were also good.

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