Ben-Ari and Eldad planning split from National Union

MKs Michael Ben-Ari and Arieh Eldad (National Union) are planning to break off from their faction and run as an independent list, after talks with National Union leader Ya'acov Katz broke down on Saturday night.
The National Union is a joint list made up of four parties: Tkuma, which include MKs Katz and Uri Ariel, Hatikva, led by Ariel, Eretz Yisrael Shelanu, represented by Ben-Ari, and Moledet, which currently does not have any seats in the Knesset. According to a Jerusalem Post\Smith Research poll, the party would maintain its current four seats in the next Knesset.
Ben-Ari and Eldad, who have the third and fourth spot on the National Union list, cited ideological reasons for the split,  as well as a possible unity deal with Habayit Hayehudi and the fact that their calls for a primary were rejected.
Though the MKs' departure from the party is not yet final, Eldad turned down overtures from Katz on Saturday night.