Antonio Guterres

UNRWA accuses Israel of cutting off aid convoys to northern Gaza Strip

"The UN must scale up logistics and stop blaming Israel for its own failures," COGAT wrote on X.

UN chief visits Gaza border in new plea for ceasefire, starting with Egypt

Aid donations have reportedly been on standby in Egypt's northern Sinai


Guterres to visit Egyptian border as Israel says Rafah invasion is imminent

Guterres will later travel to Jordan where he will visit UNRWA facilities and have a Ramadan Iftar with Palestinian refugees and UN staff in Amman. 

Katz to Guterres: You're biased on Oct. 7 because victims were Jewish

The UN Secretary-General is under fire by Katz, saying that the UN didn't respond properly to the October 7 massacre and invasion because the victims are Jewish.

Israel Katz to join UNSC debate on Hamas’s Oct. 7 sexual violence on Monday

On Friday morning, the Foreign Ministry reported that three permanent members of the UNSC—the US, France, and the UK—had requested an emergency session on the matter.

Amb. Erdan 'on the plane back to Israel for consultations,' FM Katz says

Katz cites the refusal of the UN Security Council to discuss the reports of Hamas's sexual abuse * Liberman galls Guterres a "hypocritical and antisemitic man."

UN chief deplores 'paralysis and deadlock' at global disarmament body

The Conference was established in 1979 and is overseen by the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA). It has 65 member states, including the United States, China and Russia.


Security Council 'perhaps fatally' undermined by Gaza, Ukraine deadlock, says UN chief

Guterres said the UN Security Council often found itself deadlocked and "unable to act on the most significant peace and security issues of our time."


Taliban delegation refuses to attend UN mediation talks, sets 'unreasonable' demands

The Taliban declined an invitation to a UN meeting, which was meant to find a solution to Afghanistan's dire situation and foster the Talibans relationship with the international community.


Ohana cancels meeting with UN Secretary General after criticisms of Israel

When asked by members of the Hostage and Missing Families Forum what he would do if he were PM of Israel, Guterres claimed he would prioritize the release of hostages.

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