
How the Israel-Hamas War shadow looms over the Passover Seder

Some Seders will be hosted by families who lost loved ones on October 7 or in battle with Hamas or Hezbollah. Others will be held by those whose relatives are held hostage.


Passover: What you need to know about the Jewish holiday

What is the story of Passover, What are its various traditions and rules, And just what dates will it be taking place this year? Here is everything you need to know.


Passover during war: Why is this Seder different from all other Seders?

Family discord over Oct. 7 portends an unsettling 2024 celebration of freedom this Passover.

Passover 2024: A celebration of resilience and unity

This year Passover comes to us at a complicated time, but precisely in these hard times, the holiday takes on a deeper meaning


The paradox of the Pesach symbols

Our challenge for this Passover is not to lose sight of either, making space for both our heartbreak and our hope, praying that it won’t be long before we “sing a new song upon our salvation."


The best Israeli wines for Passover

Passover is the essence of the Jewish story, the Jews’ emergence as an independent people and return to the Promised Land. It is also the Festival of Wine!

The duality of the Passover Seder

The final Haggadah was a masterpiece of experience that remains a touchstone of Jewish faith, identity, and practice across the world today.


'For This We Left Egypt?': A humorous parody Haggadah for Passover

As an affectionate parody, For This We Left Egypt? is full of jokes. Not every attempt at Haggadah humor works, but there are a few zingers worth repeating in this belated book review.


A Passover Seder Haggadah supplement for the Israel-Hamas war

I am suggesting several thoughts and themes to complement the Haggadah text and add focus to our present situation. You are encouraged to keep this page in your Haggadah on Seder night.

Passover: The foundations of faith of Seder night

Three foundations of faith found in the Ten Plagues; three purposes toward which Judaism aspires and which we seek to impart.

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