Almagor blames West Bank car shooting on Schalit deal

The Almagor Terror Victims Association blamed the shooting of a vehicle in the West Bank Saturday on the implementation of the second phase of the prisoner-exchange deal to release Gilad Schalit.
"Today's firing on an Israeli car near Ma'ale Shomron is the direct result of the second release of [Palestinian] prisoners in the Schalit deal," Almagor chairman Meir Indour said. "Terrorists were released that had been convicted of carrying out similar acts of terror where they fired at and hit vehicles."
Israel released 550 Palestinian prisoners last Sunday to complete the agreement with Hamas for Schalit in which a total of 1,027 prisoners were released to Gaza, the West Bank and other countries including Jordan and Turkey.
Indour called on Israel to "regain the deterrent power that was severely damaged in the Schalit deal."
Police have not arrested any suspects over Saturday's shooting on a vehicle en route to Ma'ale Shomron. No one was injured in the attack.