Bar-Ilan University opens identity-based conflict resolution course

Israel's first identity-based conflict resolution English-language summer program is being hosted at Bar-Ilan University in Ramat Gan, open to students from around the world.
The course, which began on July 5 and will end on July 30, is attended by students from nine different countries, including Mozambique, China, Turkey, France, Germany, Israel, Canada, the US and Peru. The course places particular emphasis on conflicts in Israel, examining them through the lens of identity.
The program is being operated by the university's graduate program in Conflict Resolution, Management and Negotiation (CRMN).
Prof. Jay Rothman, academic director of the program, told the Jerusalem Post that while the media often portrays the conflict in Israel as a "zero-sum, win-lose game, we are exploring it in a new way – from the bottom up, from the inside out, focusing on identity."
According to Rothman, "if we reframe this [conflict] in terms of the underlying hopes and fears, the underlying identity frameworks, we might be able to find different ways to understand and then, eventually, build new paths to peace."