Disabled IDF veterans bike south

About a thousand disabled IDF veterans, their family members and participants from other groups participated in a bike ride on Saturday in the northern Negev’s Eshkol Regional Council under the catchphrase “riding with love to the South,” the organization Bike Israel announced
This year’s journey, called Moving on Wheels, was the fifth trip of its kind organized by the Warrior House in Tel Aviv, aims to strengthen the relationship between the Israeli public and disabled army veterans and involved old and young veterans of varying military ranks, the organization said. Some riders used handbikes, while blind participants were able to ride on tandem bikes with a second person – on a longer 35-kilometer track or a shorter 20-kilometer family track.
To the disabled IDF veterans, there is a strong spirit that turns them, despite physical handicaps, into capable people who can cope with every challenge,” said Disabled IDF Veterans Association chairman Haim Bar in a statement.  “The bike journey ‘Moving on Wheels’ is already becoming a type of tradition through the embrace of the organization Disabled IDF Veterans Association in the South. Also, this year's bike journey is dedicated to residents of the South, of which I am very proud."