Masorti Movement composes prayer for Norway

Congregations belonging to the Masorti (Conservative) Movement will be reciting this weekend a special prayer in the wake of Friday's bomb and shooting attack in Norway in which 76 people were murdered. The prayer was composed by Rabbi Simcha Roth of Israel, and will be in use in synagogues here and around the world.
“Source of the spirit of all flesh, in Your great mercy grant comfort to those families, bereaved and in anguish, by the death of their sons and daughters who were slaughtered in cold blood in the Northern Kingdom by a murderer who had lost the divine image within him and all human compassion,” the prayer goes. “Look with love and tenderness on fathers mourning their sons and mothers bereaved of their daughters who were mowed down in the prime of their life. Plant in our hearts and in the hearts of all peoples that which You taught the prophet Elijah on Mount Horeb: The power of God is not to be found in storms, in earthquakes or in infernos, but in the soft sound of silence that is the love of all other people seeking only to lead a life of modesty. And may this be His will. Amen.”
The Masorti Movement will be sending a copy of the prayer to the Norwegian ambassador to Israel Svein Sevje, as well as to Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg.