Mofaz calls on government to hold general elections ASAP
Opposition Leader Shaul Mofaz on Saturday urged the government to hold general elections as soon as possible, saying that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's days are numbered."The upcoming elections will be about Israel's character and future," Mofaz wrote on his Facebook page. "Citizens of Israel will be faced with the decision between the continuity of the current government's inflexibility, indifference and extremity, and a state of hope.""I call for the general elections to be held at the first possible date, immediately after the holidays, on Tuesday October 16th," he said."It is the government's duty to begin efforts to quickly reach an agreed-upon date for general elections," Mofaz continued, saying that if this is not done, Kadima will facilitate a bill to dissolve the Knesset, as soon as next week."Netanyahu failed in his position, and it is time to restore hope to Israel," the opposition leader stated.Read the full story hereEgypt disapproves of statements by Netanyahu in US media