Yacimovich: Gov’t has no budget plan, must call elections

Labor Chairwoman Shelly Yacimovich accused the government Tuesday of abandoning plans for the 2013 state budget, telling the annual Calcalist conference in Tel Aviv that it has no choice but to call elections.
“Instead of taking responsibility, the state – with [Prime Minister Binyamin] Netanyahu at its head – is quiet. It is quiet in the face of the great wave of layoffs, it is silent in the face of the wildness of the capital markets, it is silent in the face of the distorted distribution of bank credit, and it is silent – frighteningly - in that it is not preparing a budget.”
Netanyahu is trapped in an old way of thinking, Yacimovich argued, in which he sees the state as the problem rather than the solution. She added that the “breakdown” of companies controlled by tycoons such as Yitzhak Tshuva, Kobi Maimon, Lev Leviev, Ilan Ben-Dov and Nochi Dankner requires the government to act with courage and think unconventionally.