Israel News

Israel news features every important moment from the Jewish State involving politics, celebrities, and innovation. This is the hard hitting, fast paced news that represents the Jewish nation in an un bias frame so that truth about Israel is represented in the media. There is no other substitute for the best Israel news on the web...

‘Hemda’: Shemi Zarhin's film collapses under the weight of a busy plot

Usually, whether I like a movie or not, I can understand why the director wanted to make it, but here the reasoning eluded me.

New Kafka miniseries is especially relevant today

The more you know and love Kafka’s work, the more you will get out of this Austrian/German series, which is at its best showing how Kafka’s life and literature melded.

Uproar over bill intended to increase religious party's control over rabbinical establishment

The bill in question would effectively give the Chief Rabbinate power to elect these rabbis instead of the local authorities themselves.

Government extends age cutoff for IDF reserve duty amid heavy criticism

The government gave three-month extension of measure to raise the cutoff age for reserve duty from 40 to 41 for regular soldiers and 45 to 46 for officers

Coins left under a building 1,650 years ago are evidence of the last Jewish revolt

The dramatic discovery is the first-ever evidence in Lod from the Gallus Revolt, the last Jewish resistance against Roman rule, between 351 and 354 CE.

 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, June 13, 2024

Ben-Gvir, Smotrich attack IDF for Gaza aid corridor, Netanyahu intervenes

Netanyahu sent a statement through a "senior Israeli official," stressing that "a humanitarian pause for 11 unacceptable."

New lending program offers 'vital lifeline' to Israeli farmers hit by war

The ongoing war, ignited by the October 7 Hamas attack, has devastated Israel’s southern agricultural regions.

Israeli government's biggest threat: Not Benny Gantz, but the haredi IDF draft

Although Gantz's quitting the government failed to bring about its collapse, the festering issue of haredi exemptions from military conscription may ultimately do the trick.


IDF battles on in Rafah as humanitarian corridor created

“The IDF makes it clear that there is no cessation of combat in the southern Gaza Strip, and the combat in Rafah continues,” the military said.

Parade to mark Day of Liberation and Rescue of Jews by Allies takes place in Jerusalem

The holiday, which this year fell on June 3, commemorates the victims of the Holocaust and the allied rescue of the Jewish survivors from occupied Europe.

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