
Yemen's Houthis attack: Claim to hit targets, in solidarity with Palestinians

The Houthi group affirmed that the attacks were done as an act of solidarity with the Palestinian people. "Our operations came in support of the Palestinian people and their victory."

 IDF soldiers operate in the Gaza Strip, May 30, 2024

Israel-Hamas War: What happened on day 237?

Preliminary UNRWA bill passes in Knesset • Two wounded in West Bank ramming attack • IDF downs cruise missile

Hooded man holds flaming Molotov cocktail

Haifa court sentences trio who attacked Arab man at Olga beach to four years in prison

The three young men who live nearby at the time planned to throw Molotov cocktails at Arab citizens who were on the beach.


Kataib Hezbollah to consider ending suspension of attacks on US targets

After a visit by Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia' Al Sudani to the US, Kataib Hezbollah officials in the country met to discuss the potential move.

German police arrest men planning synagogue knife attack

One of the suspects had been shot and captured earlier in May, by police after a raid on the man's apartment became violent.

Iraqi militia fire UAVs at Eilat, Israel intercepts suspicious aerial target above Syria

Fighter jets successfully intercepted a suspicious aerial target en route to Israeli territory from the Syrian area, according to Maariv.


Arab truck driver attacked by West Bank settlers who believed he was transporting aid to Gaza

West Bank settlers arrived at the scene to block humanitarian aid they believed to be en route to the Gaza Strip, setting tires on fire, blocking the truck, and injuring the driver.

Gunmen kill three Spanish tourists in Afghanistan's central Bamyan province

Friday's attack was among the most serious targeting foreign citizens since foreign forces left and the Taliban took over in 2021.


Slovak PM Robert Fico shot and wounded, no longer in a life-threatening condition

An assasination attempt was carried out on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, a Slovak interior ministry spokesperson confirmed to Reuters by telephone.

 A view of a damaged building following missile attacks, in Erbil, Iraq, January 16, 2024

Five Iraqi soldiers killed in ISIS attack on army post in eastern Iraq, two security sources say

Iraq's defense ministry issued a statement mourning the loss of a colonel and "a number of heroic fighters of the regiment as a result of their response to a terrorist attack."

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