IDF chief secretly meets with CENTCOM, Arab generals in Bahrain

Halevi met earlier this week with generals from Bahrain, the UAE, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt to discuss security cooperation with them, despite their criticism of Israel's actions in Gaza.

 Sgt. Maj. (res.) Eliran Mizrahi's funeral at the Mount Herzl Military Cemetery in Jerusalem

IDF reservists who took own life after fighting in Gaza gets military burial

Mizrachi was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and took his own life last week after receiving a re-conscription order (Tzav 8).

Four wounded after off-duty soldier shoots in Old City incident

Magen David Adom paramedics provided all four with medical treatment and evacuated them to Shaare Zedek Medical Center. 

Hezbollah’s escalations challenge ‘terror equation’ in North

The Hezbollah rocket fire can be seen as part of the “equation” of terror attacks by the Iranian-backed group.

Gifts from our fallen son, IDF Capt. Daniel Perez, who died on Oct. 7

Our son gave us, among other remarkable things, two totally unanticipated and unforeseen gifts.


North 'under massive attack': Hezbollah unleashes rocket barrage on northern Israel

Israel's Magen David Adom announced that it had not received any reports of casualties thus far.


The Gaza quagmire: Israel's biggest obstacles against Hamas are in diplomacy

With the Gaza war in its seventh month, Israel has suffered a tsunami of diplomatic setbacks, increasing the country’s isolation.


Wikipedia entry for 'fist bump' depicts gesture between hostage and soldier during rescue mission

Footage of the IDF's rescue mission shows a soldier give former hostage Almog Meir Jan a fist bump, with the video used on the Wikipedia entry for 'fist bumps.'

Counting Israel's modern heroes ahead of Shavuot

Counting, counting. For months we’ve been counting. How about counting heroes from Passover to Shavuot – not just biblical, but modern-day heroes?


14 Days: Fallen soldiers

Israeli news highlights from the past two weeks.

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