IHRA definition of antisemitism

South Carolina State House in Columbia, SC

South Carolina to adopt IHRA definition of antisemitism

The bill passed in the state's senate unanimously, having already passed the state's house of representatives unanimously last May. The governor has expressed his support for the bill.

Organization of American States Secretary-General honored for work countering antisemitism

OAS Secretary-General Luis Almagro is honored for his efforts against antisemitism at a Washington symposium organized by CAM and B’nai B’rith International.

UK assumes presidency of the IHRA amid unprecedented rise of antisemitism in UK

Since Hamas’s attack on Israel on 7 October, the UK has seen a 589% increase in antisemitic incidents compared with the same period in 2022, according to the Community Security Trust (CST).

Sao Paulo adopts IHRA definition of antisemitism

In November, the city of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil was the first city in the country to adopt the IHRA definition.

How does the current wave of antisemitism fit into past trends?

IHRA and Shoah Foundation Executive Director Dr. Rober Williams told the Jerusalem Post that s "decline in social fabric" is part of the ongoing antisemitism trend.

South Dakota legislature accepts IHRA definition of antisemitism in new bill

South Dakota now becomes the twelfth state to officially codify the IHRA definition, which will be used in assessing potential cases of antisemitic discrimination.

US Jewish orgs lobby Congress to adopt IHRA definition of antisemitism in new letter

The IHRA definition notes that “criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic.”

Antisemitism and the future: Panelists at JPost Berlin Conference express their views

Aaron Sagui said that the German government is doing a much better job countering antisemitism than it has in the past, especially since October 7.

WZO and Diaspora Ministry representatives discuss increase in antisemitism and possible solutions

The World Zionist Organization is confident in solutions on the horizon for the increased antisemitism seen worldwide.

Limited university adoption of IHRA working definition, despite spike in campus antisemitism

Although 73% of US Jewish college students have experienced or witnessed antisemitism since start of the 2023-2024 school year, only one university has adopted the IHRA working definition in 2023.

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