
 IDF troops make use of a trebuchet on the border of Lebanon. June 13, 2024.

IDF uses medieval siege weapon to fling fireballs at Lebanon

According to KAN News, the military issued a response statement stating, “This is a local initiative and not a tool that is widely used." 

North 'under massive attack': Hezbollah unleashes rocket barrage on northern Israel

Israel's Magen David Adom announced that it had not received any reports of casualties thus far.


Heavy barrage in North, IDF rocket interceptor causes false alarm

Some 50 launches had crossed into Israeli territory from Lebanon to the area of the Golan Heights, the military said.

View of a large fire caused from rockets fired from Lebanon, in Kiryat Shmona

Ecological war: The environmental cost of Hezbollah's missiles and UAVs on northern Israel

Recent fires have rages in northern Israel due to Hezbollah barrages, taking a heavy toll on the environment in the last week. Since Monday, the Fire and Rescue Authority has fought dozens of fires.


Does the IDF have the upper hand against Hezbollah's attacks?

"The IDF is causing massive damage to Hezbollah," IDF reserve units that have been located on the Lebanon border said.


Hezbollah is using attacks to test Israel’s capabilities

"Hezbollah’s precision strikes on Hurfeish reveal a deadly evolution in their tactics. What does this mean for Israel’s defenses?

Invading the North and rockets to Tel Aviv: What war with Hezbollah would look like

A policy expert examines the current escalations between Israel and the Lebanese terror organization Hezbollah, and what a war between the two could resemble.

 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visits Kiryat Shmona. June 5, 2024.

Netanyahu in North: We’re ready for intense action against Hezbollah

“Whoever thinks that he will hurt us and that we will then sit idly by is making a big mistake,” Netanyahu said.


The Israeli knack of playing chess against itself

All the pain, all the anger, and all the frustration can blur the vision, confusing those responsible for the misery with those trying to ensure such misery is not revisited in the country again.


Halevi in the North: 'IDF ready to move onto attack'

Halevi stated "We are approaching the point where a decision will have to be made, and the IDF is prepared and very ready for this decision.

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