Israel News

Israel news features every important moment from the Jewish State involving politics, celebrities, and innovation. This is the hard hitting, fast paced news that represents the Jewish nation in an un bias frame so that truth about Israel is represented in the media. There is no other substitute for the best Israel news on the web...

Fire erupts near Knesset, Israel Museum in Jerusalem

The Fire and Rescue Authority stated that 14 fire crews, with the help of four firefighting aircraft, were working to extinguish the fire that had erupted at the Valley of the Cross in Jerusalem. 

Tel Aviv University Board of Governors honors the fallen

During the event, a minute of silence was observed at the Esther Sidi Memorial Garden.

National Cyber Directorate warns of weakness in Check Point products

There exists a weak point in the technology which allows cyber attacks to be carried out through it.


Israel wins medals at international stamp exhibition in Romania

Nine Israeli exhibitors had worked tirelessly on their exhibits. As commissioner, I had collected their valuable exhibits and prepared the customs and insurance.


Hadassah: The US woman's Zionist organization helping Israeli women

Hadassah Women won’t stop at anything when it comes to helping those in need

Police arrest terrorist who planned to carry out stabbing attack in Jerusalem

The investigation revealed that the terrorist had stolen the knife from a fruit vendor in the area of the Old City and hid it in his pants.

A court hearing on the government's drafting of yeshiva students for the IDF, at the High Court

High Court concludes debate on haredi IDF conscription in high-stakes hearing

A poll published by Army Radio on Sunday, conducted by Manu Geva's Midgam Institute, found that 81% of haredim supported the view that haredim should not join the IDF at all.

Building Israel's next gov't with a hi-tech interview job model

Can a government of technocrats and experts run Israel? Let us apply a hi-tec job interview model for candidates to lead ministries.


From Louis C.K. to Jerusalem Day: New shows, movies to watch in Israel

Check out the Louis C.K. documentary Sorry/Not Sorry and the show Hacks on VOD, among other offerings.

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