
Montana governor signs bill banning TikTok in state

The legislation prohibits mobile application stores from offering TikTok within the state.


Why you need to stop throwing away the tabs on olive oil bottles

Found yourself cooking with too much oil? There is an easy fix to this problem and it's found in every bottle of oil.

Official promo video for Italy tourism features Slovenia

Footage of young people drinking wine on a patio was identified as being in Slovenia's Cotar region, with the wine in question having Cotar labels.


Racist video produced by Jerusalem high school girls faces backlash

The video was titled "If the School was Mizrahi" and shows racist comparisons of Ashkenazi and Mizrahi people.

Dalai Lama apologizes after video asking boy to 'suck my tongue'

The statement said the Dalai Lama leader "often teases people he meets in an innocent and playful way, even in public and before cameras. He regrets the incident."


Forgiving and trusting others? This test will tell you according to what you see first

The picture in front of you has two sides, the one you see first reveals some interesting details about you, according to TikTok user Mia Yelin.


Social media videos instruct terrorists how to carry out attacks

Videos on social media are teaching terrorists how best to carry out stabbings and shootings against Israelis.

TikTok to let users scroll through videos hands-free

The Chinese video platform TikTok will make us even lazier by scrolling through the feed for us. Here's how it will work.


Test yourself: Can move 1 match to form 6 squares?

This TikTok puzzle caused thousands of people to be confused. Can you solve it?

Beat the record: Can you spot the missing hidden key in this puzzle?

The record for being able to spot the hidden key was six seconds - will you be able to find it?

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