Margi backs down over Tzohar wedding program

The ugly spat that broke out this week between the religious-Zionist rabbinical group Tzohar and the Religious Services Ministry appears to be over after the two parties came to an agreement late Wednesday night. 
Tzohar had accused the Religious Services Minister Yaakov Margi and the Chief Rabbinate of dealing with their free wedding service in a discriminatory manner by enforcing regulations on their program, which the ministry ignored when it came to private haredi rabbinical courts. 
The group alleged that the bureaucratic obstacles were imposed to safeguard the income of rabbinate approved rabbis. 
But after extended talks between the two sides, Tzhohar chairman David Stav sat down with Margi in the Knesset on Wednesday night and the minister agreed to amend a law stipulating that couples must register to marry in their city of residence.