MK Kahana marches alongside Christians and Jews on Holocaust Remembrance Day

During his trip, MK Kahana engaged in meetings at the Parliament of Baden-Württemberg in Stuttgart where he discussed efforts needed to combat antisemitism.

1000 Christians and Jews March with MK Matan Kahane and IAF President, Josh Reinstein on Yom Hashoah with the March of Life in Stuttgart. (photo credit: MARCH OF LIFE)
1000 Christians and Jews March with MK Matan Kahane and IAF President, Josh Reinstein on Yom Hashoah with the March of Life in Stuttgart.
(photo credit: MARCH OF LIFE)

Knesset Christian Allies Caucus, MK Matan Kahana, in collaboration with the Israel Allies Foundation, joined the March of Life movement in Stuttgart on Holocaust Remembrance Day on May 6.

Kahana also participated in the March of Life in Berlin last year.

“As Jewish people around the world feel threatened and left alone, the question is, will we remain silent? After all, indifference and silence have been the hallmarks of antisemitism and hatred of Jews for more than 2000 years. Now is the time to take a clear and unequivocal stand on behalf of the Jewish people and the State of Israel!” stated Jobst Bittner, founder and president of the March of Life movement.

This year’s Remembrance Day fell just over half a year after over 1200 people were killed by Hamas, the largest numbers of Jews to be killed on a single day since the Holocaust.

In collaboration with the local Jewish community and the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, the March of Life event featured Kahana as the keynote speaker. 

Kahana was later joined by Holocaust survivor Mina Gampel and survivor of the October 7 attack, Daniel Zellner from Moshav Ein Habshor at the Gaza border as well as Israel Allies Foundation President, Josh Reinstein.

A visitor looks at pictures of Holocaust victims at Yad Vashem's Holocaust History Museum in Jerusalem (credit: REUTERS/NIR ELIAS)
A visitor looks at pictures of Holocaust victims at Yad Vashem's Holocaust History Museum in Jerusalem (credit: REUTERS/NIR ELIAS)

Kahana’s participation was said to have highlighted the ongoing critical need for Holocaust Remembrance Day amid the growing surge of global antisemitism. During his trip, MK Kahana engaged in meetings at the Parliament of Baden-Württemberg in Stuttgart where he discussed efforts needed to combat antisemitism.

"As history has shown us time and again, the insidious spread of antisemitism serves as a precursor to unspeakable atrocities. It is not merely a threat to the Jewish people, but to the very fabric of humanity itself. Ignoring or tolerating its presence is a grave mistake we cannot afford to make.

We must stand united in unequivocal condemnation, for when antisemitism is allowed to flourish unchecked, it paves the way for the darkest chapters of human history to repeat themselves." Kahana.

“We are honored to join forces with the March of Life and the ICEJ to remember the atrocities of the Holocaust and commit to standing with the Jewish State of Israel. As the forces of evil once again gather against the Jewish people, our Christian allies have made it clear, that this time, we are not alone, said IAF President, Josh Reinstein 

What is the Israel Allies Foundation?

The Israel Allies Foundation, founded in 2007,  works to educate and empower pro-Israel, faith-based legislators worldwide. 

The IAF coordinates the work of 53 Israel Allies Caucuses internationally. This network includes the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus, the Congressional Israel Allies Caucus, and the European Union Parliamentary Israel Allies Caucus.