Law to Cancel the Reasonableness Standard

Israel must strengthen its democracy and escape its dangerous cycle - opinion

Finding a way through the current crisis is a matter of existential urgency which affects the very fabric of Israel and Jewish life.


Reasonableness and unreasonableness: the abuse of Israel’s legal system - opinion

To enjoy this blanket of protection, all an Arab construction offender need do is file a permit request or appeal a work-stop or demolition order issued by the Civil Administration. 


The High Court process: How the judicial reform hearing will happen - explainer

The High Court of Justice hearing on the reasonableness standard will be presided over by all 15 justices, which has never been done before. Here's the process for how it will work.

High Court should allow reasonableness law only after elections - opinion

Israel's High Court of Justice should rule 15-0 that the law on reasonable judgments will go into effect only in the next Knesset in order to avoid civil war.


Israel's High Court rejects request to delay judicial reform hearing

The court's schedule also faces the challenge of President Esther Hayut and Justice Anat Baron's retirements in mid-October.

Right, Left file amicus briefs ahead of reasonableness law hearing

The left-wing NGO the Israel Law Professors' Forum for Democracy and the right-wing NGO Im Tirtzu both filed amicus briefs ahead of the High Court hearing on the reasonableness law/

  High Court hears petitions on against the incapacitation law on August 3, 2023.

Gov't demands High Court postpone reasonableness clause hearing

If postponed, the hearing may come at a time when High Court President Esther Hayut and a justice are set to retire.

Ben-Gvir vs Shabtai: Who will police obey in a constitutional crisis?

The police chief said that the police were only guided by the law and as long as he was in command, the only guiding principle would be the law, even in a constitutional crisis.

A-G allows Yariv Levin request for separate legal representation

Usually, the Attorney-General’s Office represents the government and officials in all legal matters, but in exceptional situations, the office may approve outside counsel.

  High Court Judge Esther Hayut hears petitions against the incapacitation law on August 3, 2023.

High Court: Hayut not in conflict of interest for reasonableness hearing

The Lavi NGO petitioned the High Court that Esther Hayut had expressed bias against the Law to Cancel the Reasonableness Standard at a January 12 conference.

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