Pakistani police detained several lawmakers from Imran Khan's party after a major rally demanding his release led to clashes.
Noa Goldenberg, arrested for throwing sand at Itamar Ben-Gvir, is released to house arrest, with her mother denouncing the detention as "absurd" amid protests.
Police allege that crucial security warnings about a potential Hamas attack were withheld overnight, raising questions about missed opportunities to prevent the Nova music festival massacre.
In early July, police, alerted by reports of a body in a mosque in Tamra, found the body of Abu Sliman and noted that his head had been severely hit with a metal Quran book stand.
Thursday was the 52nd anniversary of the 1972 Munich Massacre, in which 11 Israeli athletes were murdered by a Palestinian terror group.
"The strength of an organization is built on its money, the lack of money will make the organization disappear," the source said.
According to a source at Lahav 433 cited in the report, such an indictment filed on Israel's part may cause damage to the evidence and a delay in presenting the results to the victims' families.
Border police officers subsequently examined the car and found that the driver had illegally entered Israel from the West Bank.
Toyota Yaris or Corolla at a bargain? Seven-seaters and SUVs at laughable prices? Ferrari and electric Hummer with a questionable past and condition? What’s happening at police auctions?
The September 1 terror attack in the West Bank, in which were killed three police officers, is part of a wider and growing campaign of attacks in the West Bank.