Shifa Hospital

Surprise! Hamas has thousands more fighters than Israel initially thought

At least around 26,000 Hamas members have been put out of action by Israel to date when adding together killed, wounded, and arrested totals.

IDF 'surgically removes' Hamas terrorists from Shifa Hospital and surrounding areas

IDF aircraft eliminates terror targets around the Gaza Strip • Soldiers discover weapons and munitions in Al-Shifa Hospital.

IDF confirms senior Hamas member Marwan Issa was killed in strike

The IDF also eliminated Ghazi Abu Tama’ah, a senior member of Hamas’s military council.

IDF Unit 504 unveils terrorist confessions of Shifa Hospital's role as a Gaza terror base

Islamic Jihad terrorists claimed to have been stationed at the hospital for months.

IAF targets area from where rockets were launched into Sderot, troops kill terrorists in Gaza

Jets carried out aerial attacks on the area from which rockets were launched into Sderot.  

Hamas official: Impact of IDF's Shifa operation 'cannot be underestimated'

An anonymous Hamas source told Arab media that the IDF's operational capabilities, which include its recent killings and arrests of Hamas terrorists, should not be underestimated.

How did the IDF let 500 Hamas terrorists return to Shifa Hospital?

Hamas has largely expected a ceasefire and withdrawal of IDF soldiers to allow its members to return to pockets across northern and central Gaza, including Shifa hospital.

IDF's operation in Shifa Hospital one of largest since war began

Since the start of the activities in Shifa, over 170 terrorists have been killed, and around 500 terrorists associated with Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad have been arrested.

Hamas fired rockets toward Ashdod from inside humanitarian shelter

Hamas weapons were found by forces from Sayeret Nahal in the MRI complex and maternity ward at Shifa Hospital in northern Gaza.

  IDF soldiers operating at the Shifa Hospital in Gaza, March 25, 2024

‘Hamas is firing mortars at Shifa’: IDF reveals Hamas abuse of Gaza hospital

Shortly after midnight on Monday, Hamas admitted on its Telegram channel that it had fired mortar shells at IDF troops in the vicinity of Shifa Hospital.

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