Pride Parade

Israel's fights for democracy, LGBT rights against the same enemy - Lapid

Benny Gantz also spoke at the Liberty Bell Park ahead of the parade, and answered what he said was a question that infuriated him – "Why are they marching?"

Likud MK suggests Israeli parents are turning children gay

Nissim Vaturi in an interview stated that children shouldn't be influenced to be gay, citing parents giving dolls to boys as an example.

30,000 Israelis gather in Jerusalem for pride march amid heavy police presence

National Security Minister Ben-Gvir: Marchers' security above all, but freedom of speech of those who oppose pride march must be respected.

Jerusalem should embrace its diverse residents - editorial

Jerusalem is not only a flashpoint for Jewish-Muslim tensions but also the scene of an ongoing power struggle between the conservative and liberal elements of the city.

Ben-Gvir: Haredim should not be detained during Jerusalem pride march

National security minister: Anti-LGBT protests allowed during march • Dozens of opposition MKs to attend Jerusalem Pride

Police prepare for a safe and secure Jerusalem Pride March

Approximately 2,000 Jerusalem District police officers, including Border Police officers, will be operating along the parade route.

'Deadly Thursday': Far-right activists threaten Jerusalem Pride March

On Monday, the far-right Lehava organization called on supporters of the organization to join a protest against the march, stating "Jerusalem is not Sodom!"


This week in Jerusalem: Marching with Pride

A weekly round-up of city affairs.


Jerusalem deputy mayor targets the city's LGBTQ+ community, sparking outrage

The remarks ignited a wave of criticism and condemnation, highlighting the ongoing struggle for equality and acceptance.

LGBTQ org. reveals Israel's most gay-friendly cities in Pride Month poll

For the first time ever, Tel Aviv did not take first place overall as Israel's most gay-friendly city and instead dropped down to number five.  

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