Mike Huckabee: Execute whoever leaked WikiLeaks documents

Former Arkansas governor and 2012 Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee called for the execution of whoever is responsible for the leaking of 250,000 US diplomatic cables on the WikiLeaks website this week, according to a Wednesday report on the Guardian website.
"Whoever in our government leaked that information is guilty of treason, and I think anything less than execution is too kind a penalty," Huckabee stated.
"They've put American lives at risk. They put relationships that will take decades to rebuild at risk. They knew full well that they were handling sensitive documents they were entrusted...and anyone who had access to that level of information was not only a person who understood what their rules were, but they also signed, under oath, a commitment that they would not violate. They did … Any lives they endangered, they're personally responsible for and the blood is on their hands," he added.