Otzma Yehudit

Otzma Yehudit MK: 'The hostages can only be released through military action'

Otzma Yehudit MK stands firm: No surrender deal for hostages, calls for military action to ensure return and warns against Hamas manipulation.

By 103FM

Ben-Gvir, Arbel clash on WhatsApp over criticism of Attorney General

Ben-Gvir responded in bold letters, "I understand that you are busy flattering the attorney general – maybe one day you will be appointed a judge – but the truth cannot be concealed.

Likud regains some ground, Gantz maintains lead in new poll

On opposite sides of the political spectrum, both Religious Zionism and the Labor Party have slipped beneath the minimum threshold to enter the Knesset. 

Israeli minister launches attack on Netanyahu, calls to resettle Gaza

Minister Yitzhak Wasserlauf claimed that "total victory" over Hamas would require Jewish resettlement in the Gaza Strip.

Israeli MK: Fresh US sanctions 'delusional, disgraceful, and ugly'

Israeli politicians slam US sanctions on West Bank farms and individuals, decrying foreign intervention.

Israeli government officials slam chief rabbi's threat of haredi exodus

Yair Lapid lambasted the chief rabbi’s remarks on Sunday, stating, “Rabbi Yosef's words are an insult and disgrace to the IDF soldiers who risk their lives to defend the country."

'Hamas must come crawling and begging for a Gaza hostage deal'

Rather than "award" the Palestinians a state, Hamas must come "crawling and begging" for a hostage deal after being completely defeated, Eliyahu said.

Otzma Yehudit MK Almog Cohen interrogated by Lahav 433

The interrogation against Cohen was under suspicion of assault, injuring another person in 2013 while he was serving as a police officer.

Yair Lapid offered, declined senior role in Israeli wartime government

"This shows how much pressure Netanyahu is under...we will not be the ones to save him," Lapid's faction wrote in reaction.

Israel's Labor largely unaffected after Michaeli's resignation, election poll shows

While the votes for Labor almost doubled since last week, they would still not get enough to cross the threshold.

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