
Hezbollah fires dozens of rockets, Israeli jets raze terror infrastructure

35 launches were detected towards the Mount Meron area. There were no Israeli casualties from the rocket fire.

Destroyed tunnels and evacuated civilians: IDF targets Hamas in Gaza City

Also on Monday, the IDF underwent efforts to evacuate Gazan civilians from combat areas, where forces apprehended a number of terrorists who tried to flee under the cover of the civilian population.

From North to South, these Iron Dome teams allowed Israel to control the pace of war

IDF Lt.’s ‘O’ and ‘N’ tell Post of defensive units on Northern, Southern fronts

Hezbollah rocket hits entrance to Safed hospital, fails to detonate

The director of the hospital, Dr. Salman Zarka, wrote, "We are very lucky here. The missile did not explode. Otherwise, there could have been an incident with many casualties."


IDF eliminates several Hezbollah terrorists, Israel prepares for war

A chicken coop housing 9,000 birds was completed destroyed in rocket fire on Thursday evening.


IDF strikes Hezbollah rocket launch sites in Lebanon

The IDF retaliated by striking several locations in southern Lebanon with artillery and mortar shells.

Detect and destroy: The IDF unit protecting Israel from rockets

The unit uses radar and other tech to detect all the missile threats to Israel, define their type, identify where they're heading, and help destroy them.

Faster and more powerful: IDF unveils new artillery launcher

The new launcher offers a variety of game changing qualities. It has greater fire power; it is faster and moves on wheels. 

online dating

Gaza War has amped up Israel’s passion for matchmaking

The matchmaking trend began in the first weeks of the war amid daily rocket fire, with posts from people seeking to find “the one to run to the bomb shelter with.”

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