Jordan Valley

IDF and Shin Bet arrest 20 in overnight West Bank operation

Undercover soldiers from the IDF Central Command neutralized a terrorist following his attempt to throw an explosive device in the direction of the forces.

A Jordanian national flag is lifted near a tent at the "Island of Peace" in an area known as Naharay

Israel foils major terror attack by suspects who crossed Jordanian border

They did not resist and were then transferred to the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) for investigation.

THE JORDAN VALLEY – calls to annex it are a provocative political act

Israel expands Jordan Valley footprint as Blinken visits Israel

The classification of the additional state land was authorized by Smotrich, through his role in the Defense Ministry with oversight of the Civil Administration.

At the peak of bloom: Winter is an excellent time to travel in the Jordan Valley

Due to the situation, this year's "Green Cradle" events will take place in the Jordan Valley in a special format.


Israel sees one of deadliest terrorism years since Second Intifada

The recent terrorist attack near Hebron saw 2023 surpass 2022 as one of the deadliest years since the Second Intifada, with 34 victims of terrorism.

Israeli father found dead after family goes missing while hiking

The father seemingly suffered from dehydration after separating from the rest of the family during the hike.

IDF reveals it thwarted special smuggling threat in Jordan Valley

Security forces will continue to combat the phenomena of smuggling across borders.

Jordan Valley sovereignty will effectively mitigate terrorism - opinion

Applying sovereignty over the Jordan Valley would be a strategic move to defeat Palestinian rejectionism and mitigate increasing terrorism.


My Word: Affronts and full-frontal assaults

“When so many brothers and sisters are being murdered, we must learn again how to be brothers and sisters.”

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