Letters to the Editor March 29, 2023: Temper tantrum

Readers of The Jerusalem Post have their say.

 Letters (photo credit: PIXABAY)
(photo credit: PIXABAY)

Temper tantrum

What we have just witnessed for the past many weeks was the largest and most damaging juvenile temper tantrum in Israeli history. Temporarily, the protesters have succeeded in slowing down the process of judicial reform  (“Netanyahu calls temporary halt to judicial overhaul,” March 28).

But it will not be stopped, nor should it be. I sincerely believe that the vast majority of those who profess to be against the reform proposals would, if they were presented by anyone other than our currently elected leaders, and if the facts were clear to all without the overriding political overtones, be in support of them.

In fact many of those leading the protests were, not so long ago and under different political circumstances, advocating for these same judicial reforms. So no one should be fooled by this display of shameful behavior. When the vastly more consequential, and truly dangerous, proposals of the Oslo Accords and the Gaza expulsion were passed, those who understood what was happening actively protested.

We were thwarted by the police and the government, thousands were arrested, none of us was given the slightest amount of support for our right to free speech and free assembly. We never went to the extent of threatening the country’s economy and existence. We never took money for the protests from Israel-haters around the world, and never contributed to the destruction of our own precious country.

All those who may be smirking right now, should take a long hard look in the mirror and feel shame for their childish and destructive behavior. I pray, and I feel confident, that the necessary reforms will be enacted, with full discussion and compromise, and our country and our democracy will be much better off as a result.


Tzur Hadassah

The world should take note of the tens of thousands of regular citizens from all parts of the country from all walks of life protesting in a civil way to demonstrate their concern and demanding the continuation of Israel as a democracy. In what other country would tens of thousands of individuals be allowed to demonstrate in the streets and on the highways to disrupt traffic?

Demonstrators have been taking leave from work for hours, some without compensation, in order to speak out against the government in power. All the while the police are protecting those people demonstrating against the government rather than beating them down. That phenomenon is probably the most vivid and clear indication of the fact that Israel is a true democracy. The world should take note of that fact.

The demonstrators themselves should take note of the fact that the current government is protecting them. The current government is also very concerned about protecting our democracy by increasing the separation of powers in government and giving more power to the people. The coalition is not at all trying to concentrate the power of government among a few representatives in the Knesset.

Long live Israel as a Jewish democracy and as an example for the nations.



I recently took part in the obstruction of a major traffic artery during rush hour in protest of the assault on our precious democracy. At the age of 75, this is the first time that I have ever been in a brush with law enforcement.

I was forcibly removed by the Border Police, yet I have nothing but praise for their firm yet gentle modus operandi. I wish to use this incident to express my appreciation of the Israel Police, my pride in a country where we don’t have to fear them, and to express the hope that things will stay this way despite the current dangers facing us from within.


Kiryat Haim

True legacy

I was pleased to learn that the outgoing editor-in-chief, Mr. Yaakov Katz, will continue to have a weekly column in The Jerusalem Post (“Avi Mayer named new ‘Post’ editor,” March 22)

Yet, I think it noteworthy to mention that Mr. Katz’s true legacy is the following: He encouraged excellence and objectivity in news reporting; he encouraged excellence and diversity on the opinion pages.

We all benefited from his tenure, but especially in a time when opinion often substitutes for news reporting and imagination for opinion.



The ability to sway

Regarding “Netanyahu not even close to breaking point” (March 27): I always thought the need for both domestic and international security was something all sides would agree should in no way be compromised, regardless of whether the reforms are thought to promise greater democracy or the prelude to dictatorship.

By announcing that he was firing Gallant, the prime minister chose to ignore the warnings of someone well versed in the intricacies of national defense, and will appoint in his place someone more ready to toe the coalition line. Alas, such recklessness and irresponsibility comes as no surprise.

The message Netanyahu is sending may be intended to provide a false impression that all is well and good despite the nonstop rumbling that has been going on for three months. Smotrich has caused considerable embarrassment with his suggestion that Huwara should be wiped out and his depiction that Jordan, with whom Israel has a peace treaty, is in fact part of greater Israel.

Gafni presented a bill to increase the punishment of Christians spreading the gospel locally. And now Gallant, a strong right-wing Likudnik, goes rogue. The cracks in the current coalition make those in the Liberty Bell appear miniscule.

The government may not be in immediate danger of toppling, but unless it shows some flexibility in the coming months, the stability everyone was hungry for may wind up disappearing quickly. God made trees with the ability to sway so that they will not break by the force of a storm or strong winds. This is a lesson that Bibi has yet to learn.


Ginot Shomron

For their people’s benefit

Regarding “Israel and the Palestinians: Non-implementation of agreements” (March 23): What is never mentioned in Gershon Baskin’s articles is the fact that Israel would have ceased having any “control” over the lives of the Palestinians in Gaza and Areas A and B of Judea and Samaria had Palestinian leaders done what the Oslo Accords expected of them – to negotiate with Israel on setting recognized and secure borders and working to build a state in which the Palestinians could become productive citizens.

Sadly, the Palestinian leaders chose to enrich themselves on monies donated for their people’s benefit, divert humanitarian aid to efforts to delegitimize Israel in international forums and to destroy Israel by military means.

Anti-Jewish rhetoric spews from Palestinian mosques, classrooms, and media outlets. Hamas fires missiles at Israeli population centers and floats incendiary devices into Israel to set farms and nature reserves ablaze.

The Palestinian Authority incites Palestinians to attack and kill Jews, honoring and rewarding those who answer the call with life-long stipends to murderers and/or their families, with stipends set on a scale that ties payment amounts to numbers of Israelis killed.

Both Hamas and the PA rail against “normalization of the Occupation [sic],” thus turning Palestinian security personnel into “collaborators” when they cooperate with Israeli forces attempting to arrest suspects or prevent terror attacks on Israeli civilians.

Baskin ignores the real chance that the 5000 Palestinian commandos President Biden wants trained (to protect Palestinians from “settler violence”) will result in more attacks on Jews daring to live on land of religious and historic importance to them, land that Palestinian leaders did not claim as Palestinian land until Israel liberated it from illegal Egyptian and Jordanian occupation, while Israel defended its people from the genocidal intentions of three Arab armies.

There is no moral equivalence between Israeli and Palestinian leaders. Israel has offered peace plans, uprooted Jewish communities, and ceded land. Palestinian leaders have rejected all offers of peace and created a death cult. It’s time to tell the truth; Arab and Palestinian rejectionism is the reason the conflict has not been resolved. 



All we’ve known

Regarding “Two soldiers shot in another terror attack in Huwara” (March 26): Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan stressed that the situation in the area is beginning to “feel like lawlessness.” He demands the return of checkpoints and closing of shops.

Seriously? It’s only beginning to feel like lawlessness? Lawlessness is all we’ve known and will know while we continue to accept enemies living on our land, enjoying the ongoing concessions of Prime Minister Netanyahu for whom you voted.

Like so many others, you fell for his usual pre-election promises about building and then excuses for not building in the Jewish land for the Jewish people but instead giving priority to “keeping calm” with the terrorists.

That is not leadership. That is Dhimmiship. Meanwhile, those terrorists for whom we pay the highest price for so-called calm applaud our weakness. Hamas spokesman Hazem Qassem welcomed the attack, saying “for the third time in a month, the resistance strikes the occupation army in the same place in the town of Huwara, to confirm the inability of the occupation and all of its military and security system to confront the resistance youth in the West Bank. The West Bank is capable of surprising the occupation every time.”

And that is the truth that we must act against. Stop the nonsense of supporting the Fatah terrorist group to take over from Hamas. We need to take back control over our land ourselves, and that includes the Temple Mount. 

If that’s not politically correct, neither is allowing our enemies to murder and lay claim to our land. We must end this once and for all, as any self-respecting nation would. 



Perfectly normal

Regarding “Tensions rise across country after Netanyahu fires Gallant” (March 27): A cabinet minister, or public servant, disagrees with government policy and resigns or is fired. This is perfectly normal. So why does it generate huge demonstrations or the curiosity of the world’s media?

To start, there is nothing controversial about Israel overhauling its Supreme Court. It is simply bringing it in line with every other Western democracy.

Radical left-wing American forces are intent on regime change and are devoting vast sums of money and organizational acumen to overturn Israel’s elections. I’d suggest your investigative reporters follow the money and expose those directing the protests.



Climate catastrophe

There have been many wake-up calls about climate threats, but perhaps none so stark as in “Authorities brace for major heat waves” (March 27). It stated that this summer Israel could experience, “at least two severe heat waves, each lasting three to four days... [when] temperatures could reach 49 degrees Celsius (120 degrees Fahrenheit),” resulting in “up to an 8.5% increase in mortality” and “extreme risk of fires.”

With this happening with an average world temperature increase of 1.2 degrees C (2.2 degrees F) since the beginning of the industrial revolution, we can expect far worse when, as projected, the increase is over 1.5 C by mid-century and over three degrees C by the end of the century.

Clearly, everything possible must be done to avert a climate catastrophe. Unfortunately, “the cow in the room,” the reality that animal-based agriculture is the main cause of climate change, is being ignored. Over 40% of the world’s ice-free land is now used for grazing and growing feed crops for animals. And this is likely to increase as meat production keeps increasing, possibly doubling, according to some projections, by mid-century. 

The  reduction of atmospheric-sequestering trees has resulted in an increase in atmospheric CO2 from 285 parts per million (ppm) before the industrial revolution to 420 ppm today, far above the 350 ppm that climate experts think is a threshold value for climate sustainability, and it has been increasing by 2-3 ppm annually.

In order to have a chance to avert a climate catastrophe, it is essential that there be a sharp decrease in animal-based agriculture so that many trees can be planted to sequester much of the atmospheric CO2, reducing it to a much safer level.

We have a choice between a future mostly vegan world or a destroyed world. May we choose wisely.

