SUPREME COURT Justice Uzi Fogelman takes his seat for a High Court hearing in Jerusalem. The writer asks: How can a court declare a law unconstitutional when there is no constitution?

High Court begins high-stakes hearing on haredi IDF conscription

The hearing could lead the court to give a final order to the state to begin drafting haredi men, a move that could have dramatic social and political ramifications.
 Israelis gather in Tel Aviv for the release of Gaza hostages on November 25, 2023

Biden proposes ceasefire deal, Hezbollah escalates attacks in North

 Their offices are at the bottom of the dissatisfaction list. Ministers Itamar Ben Gabir and Bezalel Smotritz

Smotrich, Ben-Gvir refuse Biden ceasefire proposal, threaten to leave government

 US President Joe Biden meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (not pictured) and the Israeli war cabinet, as he visits Israel amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, in Tel Aviv, Israel, October 18, 2023.

Israel accepts tentative ceasefire conditions, Netanyahue aid confirms

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